Urban Home Design 二本設計家

hello! you are welcomed

Interior Designer 室內風格設計師


  • able to understand homeowner requirement and propose space planning with layout and material
  • able to draw in 2D AutoCad & 3D Sketch Up
  • responsible to work out quotation
  • responsible to supervise work progress and meet the timeline
  • responsible to liaise with suppliers and subcontractors in order to have good quality works

Job Requirements:

  • O level(Min), Diploma, Degree
  • >1 experience needed in Interior Design or related field
  • able to converse in English and Chinese (in order to handle queries and concerns from English and Chinese speaking counterparts in regards with the interior design related matters.)
  • creative, independent, self-discipline, willing to learn, love to talk to customer and meticulous
  • good communication and like to do presentation
  • able to work at weekend and public holidays
canberra stFDSC 3686 1